Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 101 of the occupation

Journal 20101120

Start out the day pissed with headache and tired jaw and brainstem. Rise from our newly assembled “Simple Bed” from EQ3, and get to the TV.
    McLaughlin Group
    The guys are knocking it around about Republican domination and the end to monarchy in Britain. 
 Guess what name the opposition has chosen?

...Wait for it!

Yes! The Republicans!

Yes I am serious!

    Yelp for Breakfast in Haight Ashbury
Ended up at Well Kneaded, or, What You Knead, or some cutesy name like that. The waitresses served us artichoke omellettes and acrid coffee for $25.
Found a copy of “David Bowie: Black Book” in a trash pile with “Cat’s Cradle”, “Trainspotting”, “Mexico City Blues”, and a book of short stories. She actually let me keep them, so I let her grab the one called, “Bitch.” Black Book turned out to have several OUTSTANDING photos and factoids of Bowie back in the day, including one brooding one next to a shit-eating-grinning Mick Jagger. Does anyone know if these two have ever collaborated?
Discovered BAM/PFA and resolved to visit with the BMW. Museum and film school at Berkeley.
NYT Saturday, November 20, 2010:
    * 9/11 plaintiffs settle suit for damages. End to 7 year struggle.
        a MILLION stories here. peanuts for lives. heroic sacrifice met with civic                 indifference. Cold, heartless, heatless urban reality.
        What will these mothers raise their children to worship? the municipality                 that took their lives, their health and threw them coins in return?
        Gut-wrenching tales of the endless patience of the city machine.
        Surprise. “...many plaintiffs were pained by the vigorous legal defense                 mounted by the city as the lawsuits began  flowing in 2003.” How many of                 us work with, in, around, and in compliance and dependency on similar                 bueareaucracies?
    * Pope says that condoms are OK
    * Saudi girls can play sports, but only in burkas
    * Riots in Haiti: Idiotic Panic Rules the Day, or is it?
    * Infrastructure update: The water at our taps may soon stop.
    * No, it’s not 1975! But SALT II missile defense treaties are again front page news
Castro Theater Schedule
Roxie Theater Schedule
    San Francisco Children’s Musical Theater
Friedlander at SFMOMA
...and the Gay Area finally gets it’s real wish: Target!

    Search Results

  1. Gala 2010 - Yerba Buena Alliance

  2. Visit the Yerba Buena Neighborhood - the cultural heart of San Francisco! ... Since 1991, the Yerba Buena Alliance has helped promote the Yerba Buena ...

  3. - Cached - Similar

  4. July 2010 - Yerba Buena Alliance

  5. Target Arts and Wonder FREE FAMILY DAYS - July 16-18. Click here for more ...

  6. - Cached

  7. Show more results from

  8. Target Family Day at Yerba Buena Gardens (San Francisco) on 13 Aug ...

  9. concert page for Chelle! and Friends at Yerba Buena Gardens (San Francisco) on 13 Aug 2010. Discuss the gig, get concert tickets, ...

  10. - Cached

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Delta Death Thursday November 2010

Several news item to follow up on later, if anyone wants to dig:

GM IPO largest ever? Why? How? Implications for average U.S. citizen.

The water just keeps getting hotter: Delta Death: How California's water policy is poisoning the bay-delta estuary

By Patrick Porgans and Lloyd Carter

While Californians were held captive waiting for...

While Californians were held captive waiting for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Legislature to agree on spending cuts and adopt a budget, state officials were throwing hundreds of millions of dollars down the drain and compounding California’s crisis.

Water officials have wasted more than $10 billion and 35 years in extended delays in their failed attempt to carry out their legal mandates to protect the waters of the state and restore the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary.

The result: water quality in the estuary is rapidly declining; fisheries are in crisis; and the proposed solution, an $11 billion bond act set for the ballot in 2012, will only make things worse...

(posted while and sites are down)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How to Fail at Mathematics


  1. Don't study until the weekend. That way you will always be behind. Because you didn't do Monday's homework before Wednesday you won't understand Wednesday's lecture. By the time the weekend rolls around you will have forgotten Monday's lecture, too. You'll be facing eight or ten hours of homework in a subject you haven't looked at in a week, and you'll have to learn it all on your own. Good luck.
  2. Don't read the book. When you come to a homework problem you can't solve search the text for a similar example and try to copy it. Otherwise ignore the text. That way you'll never be able to solve a problem unless you have something to copy or unless it is exactly like one you've seen before. You'll never really understand what's going on.
  3. Do only the easy problems. Better yet, don't do any!
  4. Don't ask questions. Be afraid that you'll look stupid if you do.
Back to G. Jennings' homepage.

Questions? Send email to

Monday, November 15, 2010

Viewpont - Zogby - MHz Network

Just watched a fragment the show "ViewPoint" with a Talking Head Named Zogby. Very informative and worthwhile. Cogent, pointed, yet not blatantly slanted discussion regarding Israel, this one. I think there is little more important than the issues that were touched on by Zogby and the Atlantic Monthly writer that he had on (sorry I missed his name), including polarity and partisan behaviors in the current "lame-duck" congress,

[one of the many wonderful things about san francisco is channel 60-2 KCSMWHz. They have a wide variety of news broadcasts, including Chinese, Taiwanese, Israeli, Al-Jazeera English, French, and more. LOTS of stuff very different than what you will get from the four networks (Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC).]

Just watched a fragment the show "ViewPoint" with a Talking Head Named Zogby. Very informative and worthwhile. Cogent, pointed, yet not blatantly slanted discussion regarding Israel, this one. I think there is little more important than the issues that were touched on by Zogby and the Atlantic Monthly writer that he had on (sorry I missed his name), including polarity and partisan behaviors in the current "lame-duck" congress.

Most important to me is the general practice and context of intelligence, curiosity, respect, and tolerance for individuals and ideologies. If we are going to  get through this century, we are going to need to learn how to listen as well as how to speak. If we can get just one percent of the population ACTIVELY involved with government, we can get back to a representative democracy where we don't feel so distanced from DC, Sacramento and the media elite who seem to have the only VIP passes to the show. Gotta go to work. C19 out