Wednesday, September 26, 2012

McCourt Boycott

We as a country are acting just like those people trapped down in the Subway (same as the Lost crew). We are just biding our time, amusing ourselves, making do, and waiting for rescue. Why don't we take this opportunity to take back the reins of government?

GMA is reporting that "no republican has ever won the White House without winning Ohio" and that President Obama is leading their Ohio polls by ten percent. To my Ohio family, friends, teachers and fellow humans, I say:

"Please do not take comfort from this; take heart. Take heart that with this small majority there is the opportunity to take a breath, and get back to the business of becoming cit
izens. We have so much work to do, it doesn't even matter where we start, or if we are organized. We have a 300,000,000 piece jigsaw puzzle to take out of the box and complete. Take charge of five or ten pieces and take it from there. Talk to your friends about the election, practice being a good opponent with those you disagree with, show respect, LISTEN and make your points respectfully. Prepare for the election. Learn how the ballot measures affect you, your community and the country as a whole. How about actually knowing one of the judges on the ballot this time? What is important is not in doing EveryThing, but in NOT doing nothing. Good luck, happy working, and let's kick some constituent ass before November 6 AND AFTER, TOO!"

Those people trapped down in the subway, is reference to the opening scene in a great series ("Connections," James Burke, "An Alternative View of Change, The Trigger Effect" 1977). In NYC in 1965, there was a huge power outage at 5pm rush hour. 100,000 people were trapped below ground in subway cars, as well as many more stuck in elevators and just stuck. Amazingly NONE of these people worked to free themselves or get themselves to safety. They ALL just sat on their hands and waited for help to arrive. What they didn't know was that the blackout ran from the Canadian border to south of Washington, DC and many miles west past the NY state border. Also that it would be 18 hours before power was restored in many places (six hours in Manhattan). Burke uses this urban habit of passivity that we all display to spur his series and to explore technology and urban life in fascinating ways. It is ten great stories, and very entertaining and informative, but I am more interested in it being an ALARM CLOCK. We need to act less like the passive passengers that waited, and more like Jason Bourne.

Can the citizens eminent domain the Dodger Stadium parking lot? How about a general boycott of everything that makes McCourt money, so he leaves LA, divests himself of all his local holdings especially including the parking lot at Dodger Stadium, and NEVER, EVER RETURNS, ever. Who's with me?
Ex-Dodger Owner Frank McCourt Back in Divorce Court | U.S. |
The ex-wife of former Los Angeles Dodgers owner Frank McCourt wants to set aside the couple's divorce settlement, claiming he vastly understated the value of a team that sold earlier this year for $2 billion, the highest figure ever paid for a pro sports franchise.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Libya attack 9/12/12

We need to have strong, growing, evolving, dynamic relationships with ALL countries and the more we do this, the less STUPID, violent people will be able to get enough chi to put together teams of STUPID and piles of STUPID money and STUPID bullets and grenades. We are STUPID if we think that this violence is far away or removed from our lives.

As a life-long republican, and the last one on The Hillary Bus, I would like to support her measured, diplomatic, yet emphatic response to the attack on our embassy in Benghazi. May we as a people draw TOGETHER here, across THE WHOLE PLANET, and work to make this sort of violence a part of our history and not our future.

"My Best Friend is Israel."

Big Picture:

In grade school, I had a best friend. I also had conversations about how and why I chose that person or another. As young adults we all learn how divisive these word choices are. "Best friend" is a pushing away term. For 65 years we have used this term with Israel. We need to have strong, growing, evolving, dynamic relationships with ALL countries and the more we do this, the less STUPID, violent people will be able to get enough chi to put together teams of STUPID and piles of STUPID money and STUPID bullets and grenades. We are STUPID if we think that this violence is far away or removed from our lives.

Obama's mouthguard

We are choosing in 55 days, between a man who at 50 years old, NEEDS AND USES a mouthguard during basketball games and a man who makes up shit about marathons he hasn't run. For me it makes an easy call even easier.

I guess President Obama gave a Vanity Fair writer open access for a piece and the writer is on CBS talking about it this morning. Everything I hear about Obama that is not inflammatory bullshit -- and some of that even helps -- shows me a man very appropriate to the task.

Romney failure to communicate 9/12/12

What we have here is failure to communicate!

Two things: Big Picture and Very Small One:

Big Picture: My Best Friend is ___________. In grade school, I had a best friend. I also had conversations about how and why I chose that person or another. As young adults we all learn how divisive these word choices are. "Best friend" is a pushing away term. For 65 years we have used this term with Israel. We need to have strong, growing, evolving, dynamic relationships with ALL countries and the more we do this, the less STUPID, violent people will be able to get enough chi to put together teams of STUPID and piles of STUPID money and STUPID bullets and grenades. We are STUPID if we think that this violence is far away or removed from our lives.

Very Small Romney is breaking ranks, following his anarchistic and divisive advisors and speaking in public before the president, even criticizing the administration. He is sending more signals to the world -- that he is a shoot-from-the-hip diplomat and that he has not done his homework. Oh, and that he has a Suttler-like disrespect for the political process. I wonder how a conversation between President Washington and Governor Romney would go. Let's listen in, shall we?