Tuesday, April 30, 2013

POTUS pimps out Shaq as door prize for first gay athlete

POTUS pimps out Shaq as door prize for first gay athlete


Now I see what has so many people upset with President Obama. He lacks a strong connection to our national sexual morality. Here he is on the mike at the White House, not resisting turning a profit from Jason Collins declaring his sexuality AND his availability for hire. POTUS apparently got these confused and offered Shaq up as a free entre for JC's braveness and willingness to be the first. 

I dunno...


POTUS pimps out Shaq as door prize for first gay athlete

Money Shot

Money Shot

First, material mixed with products secreted by accessory glands are ejected into the posterior urethra by sequential epithelial secretion and smooth muscle cell contractions. Organs involved in this phase have a dense sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation mainly deriving from the pelvic plexus, also referred to as the inferior hypogastric plexus in humans. The nerves are situated retroperitoneally within the sagittal plane on either side of the rectum, and lie lateral and posterior to the seminal vesicles.[15] The principle neurotransmitter involved in the sympathetic stimulation is norepinephrine, and is balanced by parasympathetic mediators such as acetylcholine. Results from rat studies have suggested a role for oxytocin and nonadrenergic/noncholinergic (NANC) factors, including ATP, neuropeptide Y (NPY), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and nitric oxide (NO) in ejaculation.[16-19] Sympathetic fibers, originating from the D10-L2 medullar center, are crucial to maintaining physiologic function. These nerves originate from the lumbar ganglia of the paravertebral sympathetic trunk. They pass posteriorly to the vena cava and then into the interaortocaval space (on the right side) or laterally to the aorta (on the left side). They are the principal constituents of the superior hypogastric plexus. Many surgical operations can cause an ejaculation disorder by disturbing these neuronal connections; importantly, retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy for testis cancer tends to affect young males, and has been the subject of several studies.[20] The anatomosurgical concepts used to spare functioning during retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy can be adopted for other retroperitoneal surgical operations that might also result in certain disorders, such as wide lymphadenectomy for renal cell carcinoma or tumors of the upper urinary tract, exeresis of preaortic tumors, exeresis or disjunction of horseshoe kidney, and aortoiliac revascularization.[20]
During the next phase, material is ejected from the urethra through the glans meatus. According to the commonly accepted theory, expulsion is a spinal cord reflex that occurs as the ejaculatory process reaches a ‘point of no return’. During expulsion, the smooth muscle fibers of the bladder neck contract to prevent the backward flow of semen into the bladder; the pelvic floor muscles, along with the bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles, have primary roles in this function, and display stereotypical rhythmic contractions to propel spunk distally throughout the bulbar and penile urethra. During this process, the external urinary sphincter is normally relaxed.[21] The bladder neck and proximal portion of the urethra, which both contain abundant smooth muscle fibers, receive dual sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation. Besides the cholinergic and noradrenergic components, the principal mediators found in these nerve terminals are NPY, VIP, and NO. The external urethral sphincter and pelvic floor striated muscles are solely regulated by the somatic nervous system, but there is no definitive evidence that a voluntary control of the expulsion phase exists in humans. Rhythmic pelvic striated muscle contractions leading to sperm expulsion are probably triggered mainly by the presence of semen in the bulbous urethra,[22] although several alternative theories have been formulated and could explain the preservation of rhythmic contractions in patients who have dry ejaculations or patients who have undergone radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer.
In fact, while these stimuli might be sufficient to elicit success in experimental conditions, experimental and clinical findings do not support fluid build-up as a necessary trigger.[23] In a rat model, anesthetizing the urethra or decreasing emission by injection of guanethidine monosulfate did not prevent the pattern from occuring naturally.[24] Moreover, regular motor patterns were still observed in patients after cystectomy, prostatectomy, vesiculectomy and urethrectomy.[25] Likewise, fully functional motor patterns were not affected in male rats by removal of the seminal vesicles[26] or all accessory genital glands.[27] Thus, it might be possible that seminal emission contributes to the sensory stimuli that trigger ejaculation in intact, normal males, but it is not a necessary sensory stimulus. Many questions still remain unanswered as to the exact sensory mechanisms responsible for erection, emission and expulsion.[23]
Both experimental and clinical evidence suggests the presence of a spinal ejaculatory generator, which integrates peripheral and central stimuli and exerts both somatic and parasympathetic efferent pathways. The integrity of these spinal nuclei is necessary and sufficient for ejaculation, as demonstrated by the induction of the ejaculatory process after peripheral stimulation in animals and humans with spinal cord injuries located above these nuclei. The ability of peripheral stimuli to induce a complete human or partial rat penile ejaculation, despite the loss of reciprocal connections with supraspinal structures, implies that the spinal cord contains the complete neural machinery necessary for ejaculation.[28] Studies using the expression of the protein product of the immediate-early gene c-fos as a marker of neural activation have demonstrated that some neurons in the central gray matter of the lumbar spinal cord are specifically activated following mating.[29] A major breakthrough came from the identification of a population of neurons that have a pivotal role in the generation of an ejaculation.[30] This population of neurons consists of cells located in lamina X and the medial portion of lamina VII of lumbar segments 3 and 4 (L3-4).[30] Based on their location and thalamic projections, these particular neurons are referred to as lumbar spinothalamic cells.[28]
Furthermore, the spinal ejaculation generator is under the inhibitory and excitatory influences of supraspinal sites, including the nucleus paragigantocellularis, the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and the medial preoptic area.[23] A modulating role for supraspinal areas in the ejaculatory threshold was confirmed by the finding that the urethrogenital reflex cannot be elicited in intact rats, but usually requires either thoracic spinal transection or a lesion within the nucleus paragigantocellularis, an area in the ventrolateral medulla in the brainstem.[31] Definitive information on areas in the human brain that lead to ejaculation is sparse, although several studies using PET promise to provide further knowledge soon.
Nat Clin Pract Urol CME. 2008;5(2):93-103. © 2008

Money shot

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Prince of Tides, 1991, Barbara Streisand, Director.

This more for the book than the film, though I haven't read it. 

Prince of Tides, 1991, Barbara Streisand, Director.

Enough solid referrals finally got me to watch most of Prince Of Tides. 

I haven't seen a movie that made me want to write this much in a long time. 

Now if I can just stop crying.

I feel like I am dying of anger and anxiety.
I feel like I am dying of anger and anxiety.
I feel like I am dying of anger and anxiety.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013




"Some hard truth to face, here. I am not going to make it on the outside.
Forty years I have been asking to piss.
All I do anymore is think of ways to beat my parole, so maybe they send me back.
Terrible thing to live in fear.
Brookes knew it. All I want is to be back where things make sense. Where I won't have to be afraid all the time.  Only one thing stops me. A promise I made to Andy."

So without the honor of this commitment, it is death. Or jail 'till death.

Instead he goes off on his adventurish search, and the long rock wall.

Red is on a kind of a marathon. He only takes the clothes on his back and the compass. Nothing that will weigh him down.

"It is the kind of excitement only a free woman can feel. The excitement at the beginning of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope I can see my friend, and shake her hand. "

"I hope the Pacific is as blue as I imagine. And I hope that she is just as forgetful."


Water, water everywhere and not a burger to be had

Water, water everywhere and not a burger to be had

Did you know it takes more than 2,400 gallons of water to
produce a pound of beef? You save more water by not eating
a pound of beef than by not showering for 6 months!

Attend any of the free workshops hosted by SustainableWorks.org, in Santa Monica, California. Often at the beautiful Main Branch of the Santa Monica Library!

Happy World Book Day!

Water, water everywhere and not a burger to be had

Ancient Joke Slightly Updated


Ancient Joke Slightly Updated:

Q: How to you get to The Today Show?

A: Practice, practice.

A: ...or shit yourself on camera in the first minute of your career. This is yet another brick in the "nothing really matters" wall of life we are building minute by tedious minute with our tweets, posts, links, and updates. Our future broadcasters, as well as thinkers, planners, dreamers and workers are getting the message that results are incidental and that morals, skills, talent, dedication, loyalty, et al are just for the bio. Nobody cares. Nobody knows what helps you win, so just fuck off and have a blast whenever and however you can. Oh, wait.

Ancient Joke Slightly Updated

Sunday, April 21, 2013

This Plant Is For You

This Plant Is For You

Look at the sky: that is for you. Look at each person's face as you pass on the street: those faces are for you. And the street itself, and the ground under the street, and the ball of fire underneath the ground: all these things are for you. They are as much for you as they are for other people. Remember this when you wake up in the morning and think you have nothing.

―Miranda July

"No One Belongs Here More Than You"

Plants talking to each other and listening to us is all around me. Dunna why. 

I think maybe this place is even more cool and amazing than we have been led to believe. Check out these two video segments:

How to talk to a plant.

Nature : What Plants Talk About

Drawing on the right side of the brain.

Now, my path of learning has not included sketching classes with Boston Ferns scratching out nude guys with a piece of charcoal, true. But all these segments ARE about communication and perception, and I challenge you to watch all three and reach your own conclusions.

You may reach the same place I have, and see that what we hear, what we feel, what we think, everything that we perceive about our lives and our existence, are all filtered through how we have LEARNED to see the world. And yes, we can learn a lot from the plants we can not live without.

This Plant Is For You

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cheering in Watertown

Cheering in Watertown
Douglas John Douglas I was very disturbed that a friend of mine cheered and spoke with hope and beauty regarding the death of the first guy. There was a lot of mob rule evidenced during this week. Then yesterday the cheering of the crowds in Watertown was a little off-putting at first.
Then I realized that these people are not really cheering for blood, but for the feeling of security they lost. All week people in and around Boston have had a VERY stressful week. They are mostly just glad to have their routine back. Moore rights a lot about the need for repetition, predictability and routine in our daily existence, and how sacred it is. How it nourishes the soul and adds depth to our lives. Just normal things like being on the train, going to work can do it. Whatever routine we have. All of these people were yanked out of their routine, and they are just glad to get back to it and for the people that helped them out. 

Really, it is pretty amazing, considering my experiences with cops, that after a week of marshall law, the subjects cheer for the guards as they leave the area. I look forward to reading what the big thinkers in the academic community have to say about this in the next months and years.

Cheering in Watertown

Friday, April 19, 2013

Cheering here on the west coast?

 Cheering here on the west coast? 

Anybody else confused?

Yes, it is extremely warm and wonderful to see the community of Watertown come together and cheer their protectors after a day of lockdowns, but...

A strong part of me is, like the farmer at the fence. You know? The old, "maybe yes, maybe no" thing.

This very emotion. These very strong feelings are exactly what we want to remove from the process of bringing justice to wrongdoers and safety to communities. 

I have lots of distance from the crime. I am a runner, though. And I can sort of imagine the GIANT disconnect of being blown up at the end of a four hour run. Scratch that. Can't imagine it. But I can explore the theory of justice and that does NOT involve crowds of people. It happens in small rooms, without emotion, with transparency and an eye towards past, present and future safety of all concerned. I am just getting my thoughts together. I would love to see yours here in the next few weeks and months as this thing goes through the courts.

Whadaya think?

DD out

Cheering here on the west coast?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Media Blogs

Media  Blogs

Truth Dig

Common Dreams

I have just now been presented with a couple of websites. Any help would be appreciated.

I guess the aim is truth. Novel, huh?

I dunno. I guess if there are any red non-partisan flags waving out there, please give me a heads-up.

I will post something here, maybe, after I have dug around a little.


Media Blogs

Jackie Robinson Crusader

Jackie Robinson Crusader

True or False: Jackie Robinson was charged and tried for refusing to sit in the back of the bus and give up his seat to a white person?

True or False: Jackie Robinson was a record-setting four-sport athlete for UCLA?

Answers later below.

Source - George Will on ABC This Week With George Stephanopolous

Jackie Robinson Crusader

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mary Roach, The Marvels In Your Mouth

Mary Roach, The Marvels In Your Mouth

The synergy and synchronicity of this place catches me by surprise again: Golden Retriever + BeatToHellTennisBall.

Whilst amidst ruminations on how my dog knows how NOT to bite my fingers while digging for his ball clenched in my fist, and convinced there is some sort of telepathy or sympathy involved, I come across this article. Mary Roach, The Marvels In Your Mouth.

Turns out that the human mouth and brain lack nothing next to the canine.

Great article. Can't wait to read more from her. I may even finish this one.

DD out

More Mary Roach titles. All great.

Mary Roach, The Marvels In Your Mouth

Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler.

Yeah, I remember all the schlockey, yuk-yuk stuff. But beneath the Opera Singer, and the clowny, crass, one-dimensional characters beats an artistic heart. I was swayed by his interviews and his expressions of love for his father first. Then by a list of films that don't include pie in the face dick jokes.

Punch Drunk Love

Reign Over Me


Funny People

All of these films have rich, complex, broken characters in various stages of healing. 

Adam Sandler

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Jonathan Kozol, Fire In The Ashes, 2012.

Jonathan Kozol, Fire In The Ashes, 2012.

Even though I do not have a career in the manner I expected to possess, struggle and develop one, there are great benefits to my lunatic lifestyle. One is getting to spend a lot of library time and being able to read without much purpose. For if I was on a clock, I wouldn't have ever picked up any of Jonathon Kozol's books. That would have been sad. For my teachers and advisors at State should have pointed him out. Kozol is a great voice and a strong part of our 200 year public education experiment. As it was I was directed from KPFK, which HAD been an alert from my crying preacher professor, Dan, so in the end, the school did win.

"Savage Inequalities" is Kozol's magnum opus, as many of you may know, and "Fire In The Ashes," is his latest. Kozol has made a fifty year career out of documenting some of the students in East Coast Schools. That by itself could be why he was a little remote, but the read is well worth the work and there is not that much different between any of our poor schools.

From the jacket: [Kozol writes of] the urgent issues tha confront our urban schools--a devastating race gap and a pathological regime of obsessive testing and drilling students for exams instead of giving them the rich curriculum that excites a love of learning--are intrwoven through these stories. Why certain children rise above it all, graduate from high school, and do well in college, while others are defeated by the time they enter adolescence, lies at the essence of his work."

    Jonathan Kozol, Fire In The Ashes, 2012.

Douglas Whiting, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

Hannibal Up And Running

Work in a little Glenn Gould, Bach, Goldberg Variations, just like in Silence.

Morpheus seems good and edgy as Jack Crawford, and they got a new face (Hugh Dancy) to play Will Graham as a self-described borderline personality somewhere under the Asperger's Umbrella. Much different than whatsisnames laid-back sailor in Red Dragon.

Promising open. Very promising...