Wednesday, May 8, 2013



May 8 2013

The only way to keep people down is to remove them from their curiosity. This is extremely difficult. Humans are natural, organic, problem-solving creatures who take data from their environment and challenge it, test it, modify it, destroy and remake it, to solve problems, all day, every day, until they die. This is their nature.

BUT, it is possible. It is possible to get between people and their nature. And if you can achieve this separation; that is, if you can convince a population that there is nothing interesting about what they care about inherently; that the random stream of minutiae that crosses the consciousness of a sentient being is to be regarded as irrelevant; that what SHOULD be addressed are the means of production and consumption only, well then you would have something.

You would have a work force ready to produce and consume on demand, unquestioning, and highly manageable.

We have such a system in place already.

It is functioning better than predicted.

It is called the Los Angeles Unified School District.


The photo is of an unnamed building off of Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles. It is blurry and turned 90 degrees counter-clockwise. Wanna know more?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

National Day Of Reason. And girl, do we need it.

National Day Of Reason. And girl, do we need it.

It's not so much that I oppose prayer, I don't.

Sort of an equal time thing.

Prayer gets a little uppity when it is not challenged, I think.

Oh, and remember Descartes: "I think. Therefore I am."

National Day Of Reason. And girl, do we need it.

Namaste Theft

Namaste Theft


My Soul Recognizes Your Soul. I Honor The Love, Light, Beauty, Truth, And Kindness Within You Because It Is Also Within Me. 

In Sharing These Things There Is No Distance And No Difference, Between Us. 

We Are The Same.

We Are One. 


Namaste Theft

Will this finally be my new fucking diet?

Will this finally be my new fucking diet?

Seriously, what will it take for me to eat food that my body actually LIKES?

And what is the process that has me eating and managing myself in such --- wait a minit. 

THAT is it! NOT myself, my BODY. If I can drive a mental wedge between the two, then the pleasure that I get from mainlining RBF solutions while fighting gravity by way of sofa in front of Big Fucking Television might look different. 

See, it should be easy. I make fun of vegans and people that are picky about their food because they are such easy narcissistic targets.

But I am such a stereotype. 

Burnout, divorced asshole slob. Putting on ten to twenty ounces per year until verticality is impossible for more than an hour or two a day. Overly impressed with self and skills of same. Detached and unimpressed, therefore, by advice from outside sources. 

Twenty marathons does not fit into the picture so easily, though, but it is true. When people express amazement, I always say something like, "Oh no. You could TOTALLY do one. It is just a decision that you make. The running is nothing. Once you believe you can, it is almost done." And it is true. 

When I was even fatter and drunk, no one saw me run except to catch the Korean liquor store before closing. But I got lured in by a chick, and now twenty years later and chickless, I have a running sort of life. By that I mean that I did two marathons in the last eight months (LA and Long Beach -- both seven hours plus). I am not winning or doing PBs, but I AM finishing. People close to me bet against me and express amazement that I finish. Not me. I KNOW I can. 

They keep hurting more, and pain is not quite beating out stupid for attention, 

Here is a streamlined version of Caveman Diet:

(more later, hopefully)


Will this finally be my new fucking diet?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day History

May Day History

May Day as a labor holiday started in this country in response to 19th century labor management conflicts.
Subsequently it spread across the world, especially in communist countries. 

Ever since, the U.S. business community has been distancing itself from the practice. 

May Day, U.S. version. 
Now immigrant as well as labor groups are using the holiday to promote their causes. Today, for example in downtown Los Angeles. 
Media sources are generally reporting the traffic disruption as the most cogent part of the story. 
Not optimism for the city and community. Not respect for the marchers and organizers for doing their hard work. And definitely not a call to join up and participate in this most democratica nd patriotic and legal public behavior that LIBERALLY applied, can almost guarantee success, peace, and prosperity for all of us. 

No, the May Day March is reported as a traffic story. Whadaya think about dat?

NB, ABC news gets my cudos for reporting the story as a social event.,0,1677621.story

May Day History

Tom Wheeler to head FCC

Tom Wheeler to head FCC

Tom Wheeler to head FCC