Friday, December 16, 2016


Corners ripped through stone
Your chords are
Small parts of the many
There when I need them


uppity negro

Different time
Obama's ears
be a topic
not the shrill cry
what now is
uppity negro
dun know his place

Sunday, December 11, 2016

I haven't heard of anyone proposing some sort of an on-line boycott...

I haven't heard of anyone proposing some sort of an on-line boycott in some form or fashion.
One could aim at Trump's Secretary of State #1 candidate, Rex Tillerman, ex-CEO, Exxon/Mobil.
We could go after Exxon, instead of doing more of the "sign and scream" parades, take some of their money away. Participants could boycot Exxon/mobil products like gasoline, deisel, and liquified natural gas for a week. Christmas week would be a nice choice.
I just haven't heard about anything like that. You?
Douglas John Douglas/Protest Page

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Go back and predict a Trump victory? This guy was twenty years ahead of the crowd

"The nonsuburban electorate will decide that the system has failed and start looking around for a strongman to vote for--someone willing to assure them that, once he is elected, the smug bureaucrats, tricky lawyers, overpaid bond salesmen, and postmodernist professors will no longer be calling the shots....One thing that isvery likely tohappen is that the gains made in the past forty years byblack and brown Americans,and by homosexuals, will be wiped out. Jocular contempt for women will come back into fashion....All the resentment which badly educated Americans feel about having their manners dictated to them by college graduates will find an outlet."

Richard Rorty
Achieving Our Country

read in the New Yorker Tech Issue 11/28/2016

Go back and predict a Trump victory? This guy was twenty years ahead of the crowd

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Jesse Can't Swim

Jesse Can't Swim

When JJ was running for president in 72, there was humor with the ridicule:

Jesse Jackson on a press boat in the middle of the Red Sea Dead Sea Mediterranean, whatever. He's on a boat with reporters, the pope and Netanyahu.

Pope's hat blows off away from the boat. Jesse hops out; walks across the water and hands the pontiff back his topdeck.

The headlines read: "Jesse can't swim."

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Best science lesson ever:

If the Earth were a grape, the Moon would be 16 inches away.

The Sun - 163 yards away.

Jupiter - a little under half a mile away. 

The nearest star - 24,000 miles away, and the Great Andromeda Galaxy -- our nearest galactic neighbor in an unimaginably large universe -- one trillion miles away. If we were a grape. Which we are not. We are every calculation in this example times 250,000,000. My head just blew up again. 

Anyway, we are in a great place. Especially since it seems to be the only shelter between us and forever.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Why I feel sorry for myself and how my therapist helped.

Why I feel sorry for myself and how my therapist helped.

I had a therapist who was a retired Israeli ship commander. He was tough but fair, I thought.

I went to him for a long time. First as couples therapy with my ex, and then for individual and finally group counseling. My attendance wore into years. There were many breakthroughs, but it was slow and time consuming. This was because I am a dick.

I decided to leave. I had been with this group for about five years. Nobody wanted me to leave, but I was committed.

The week after I left, my gun-toting, Israeli fighter called me up on the phone. At work. Unprecedented. Dean, who I was closest to in the group, missed my exit night because he had eaten cyanide and killed himself.

Uh, thanks for calling, dickhead. Why did I have to know this? How many ethics violations is he trying to ring up?

Oh, and he did tell me I would need counseling for the rest of my life. He didn't tell me I was a dick, which might have saved me a couple of decades of soul-searching.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Recession nonsense 2008

A republican blaming a democrat president for the weak economic recovery is like the Lakers blaming Luke Walton for the team's crap performance the last decade. (Good luck, Luke. You'll need it. Go Clippers.)

A republican administration - and, post 9/11, one with as free a hand as any since Lincoln's - was on watch as the banking industry, with the help of relaxed regulations, care of the business friendly red team, burned itself to the ground, taking two and a half million of us with it.

And, of course, no one from the administration or the financial industry has been held accountable for any part of the collapse*, though Americans all over bear the withering effects of it still.

*Oh, wait. One guy is in jail Kareem Serageldin was tried and convicted of theft for bundling Credit Suisse crap loans and selling them as prime, but even that is hinky for a couple of reasons. 

First, the banking industry is an inbred lot. That money has been managed by old-guard interests from back in the East India Trading Co. Skull & Bones, stuff. Kennedy, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller stuff. Half of the guys in the industry went to the same prep school. You think a guy named Kareem is really part of the pulsing heart of this industry? Sacrificial Lamb, for sure. 

And another thing: why one guy? 

Did one guy bring down Bear Stearns?

Was one guy responsible for the more than 10,000 suicides as people crawled through the wrecks of their and their families financial lives?

Recession nonsense 2008

A republican blaming a democrat president for the weak economic recovery is like the Lakers blaming Luke Walton for the team's crap performance the last decade. (Good luck, Luke. You'll need it. Go Clippers.)

A republican administration - and, post 9/11, one with as free a hand as any since Lincoln's - was on watch as the banking industry, with the help of relaxed regulations, care of the business friendly red team, burned itself to the ground, taking two and a half million of us with it.

And, of course, no one from the administration or the financial industry has been held accountable for any part of the collapse*, though Americans all over bear the withering effects of it still.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Janice Hahn

I was proud to hear my representative speaking truth to stupid today, and for reminding me of something else that is going on while we stare at this train-wreck of an election cycle:

"Mr. Speaker, it has been almost three months since I joined John Lewis and my democratic colleagues right here, for a sit-in on the House Floor, to demand a vote on common sense gun violence legislation.

"Instead of letting us vote; instead of confronting this issue, Speaker Ryan and my republican colleagues left town.

"Now we're back in session and there is still no talk about holding a vote. 

"There is a lot of talk coming from my colleagues on the other side of the aisle about punishing us for protesting on the House Floor. 

"I hope they do.

"But I am not going to apologize for what I did.

"I am proud that I did something to try to save lives.

I think they should apologize--to the American people."

"Because they have not allowed us to vote on common sense gun legislation.

"I think they should apologize that they continue to do the bidding of the gun lobby.

"And I think they should apologize that during our seven week recess, 2015 americans were shot and killed.

"My democratic colleagues and I took action.

They continue to sit on their hands."

Janice Hahn, Representative, 44th District CA, on the House Floor.
Open speeches

9/14/2016 CSPAN

Friday, July 22, 2016

Short list of worthy reading stuff:

The professor and the madman, by Simon Winchester
madman link here

The shining, by Steven King

Damned if I can't remember any more just now...

P.S. South park over Futurama

Thanks for a great time in Waikiki!


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Trevor Noah shines another bright light on Donald Trump:

Monday, June 13, 2016

The world has dorkified itself. Dave Eggers says so, anyway

The world has dorkified itself. Dave Eggers says so, anyway

"...Mae exhaled through her nostrils.

"I love it when you do that," he said. "Does that mean you have no answer? Listen, twenty years ago, it wasn't so cool to have a calculator watch, right? And spending all day inside playing with your calculator watch sent a clear message that you weren't doing so well socially. And judgments like 'like' and 'dislike' and 'smiles' and 'frowns' were limited to junior high. Someone would write a note and it would say, 'Do you like unicorns and stickers?' and you'd say, 'Yeah. I like unicorns and stickers! Smile!' That kind of thing. But now it's not just junior high kids who do it, it's everyone, and it seems to me sometimes I've entered some inverted zone, some mirror world where the dorkiest shit in the world is completely dominant. The world has dorkified itself."

Dave Eggers, The Circle

The world has dorkified itself. Dave Eggers says so, anyway
Creative Commons Copyright

"...Mae exhaled through her nostrils.

"I love it when you do that," he said. "Does that mean you have no answer? Listen, twenty years ago, it wasn't so cool to have a calculator watch, right? And spending all day inside playing with your calculator watch sent a clear message that you weren't doing so well socially. And judgments like 'like' and 'dislike' and 'smiles' and 'frowns' were limited to junior high. Someone would write a note and it would say, 'Do you like unicorns and stickers?' and you'd say, 'Yeah. I like unicorns and stickers! Smile!' That kind of thing. But now it's not just junior high kids who do it, it's everyone, and it seems to me sometimes I've entered some inverted zone, some mirror world where the dorkiest shit in the world is completely dominant. The world has dorkified itself."
Dave Eggers, The Circle

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Trump's candidacy demeanor is like Serena Williams getting up and insulting the spanish chick

Trump's candidacy demeanor is like Serena Williams getting up and insulting the spanish chick for beating her, the crowd for some bullshit, the officials for a bunch of mostly made-up shit, and then saying through the mic to the whole world : "Fuck you! I should have the damn cup!"

Incidentally, my two highlights from the tournament were both in the awards presentations.

Djocovick's eloquent bi-lingual comments, and Serena Williams accepting her runner-up cup - all in French - with grace, dignity and apparently, lots and lots of homework.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Justin Bigos: Is this stuff dangerous?

"...These angels, he says. They once walked the earth. God had already expelled Lucifer from His Kingdom, and Lucifer, listen, son, bitter, angry, proud, had begun his reign on earth. He sent these angels to breed with Woman. The offspring were the Nephilim. They were giants, demigods. They stole land, beat their neighbors, raped their own daughters. Listen. In the beginning of the Old Testament, right there in Genesis, he says, the tale of these human demons is there for anyone who wants to see. Look around, he says. They never left."

Justin Bigos, "Fingerprints"