I am just clueless enough to believe that the young (everyone under sixty now) have missed out TREMENDOUSLY by calling Madonna and Myley Cyrus "music." I am burning hard to Lou Reed "Rock and Roll Animal."
Personal and private ideas that may burst, sprout, and grow from Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas on BlogTalkRadio, The Philip DeFranco Show, modern cinema, KCET, John Stewart. Stephen Colbert, Science Daily, a diet very low in fresh vegetables, web browsing, KQED, MHz Networks, Folsom Fair, chemical imbalances, KPFK, NPR, Public Television, NASA, and John McLaughlin (RIP).
Friday, December 20, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Will more guns solve the "knockout problem?"
I say "more guns" is not very Ghandi, very Jesus, or very rational. I think that there is a lot in the boredom idea, though. And a lot of truth.
I have taught in urban schools, and I have felt the boredom of these kids. It is systemic.
They have been taught in many ways and for many days, that school is little more than a way to spend some time, and get some food. Since it is imposed, though, and it takes more focus and attention to stay out of school than just to show up and go through the motions, that is what happens.
Many of these kids are sent into the classroom with orders to "observe and report" back on the teachers. Suing and collecting a legal settlement for some kind of mistreatment is seen as one of the few immediate and purposeful chances that can improve the parent's lot in life. They have no faith in themselves and their own actions. This is a long-term problem.
Sure, we can try to address it by scaring the crap out of some of the kids. But history has told us that this solution never works for long.
What we need is a systemic change so that we stop producing this kind of fatal boredom. This is a much larger problem, a much slower solution, but it deserves to be considered.
Thank you for your time.
carry permits,
gun control,
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
This comforts you, possibly?
This comforts you, possibly?
This comforts you, possibly? The idea and the practice of demeaning and reducing someone who responds to your statement negatively is a dead-end, as I am sure you have already realized.
Apparently you have progressed further through the education system, and thrived to a certain extent, possibly as a public employee bureaucrat. Congratulations.
Voting republican, and supporting the sort of environment current republicans are exhibiting, however, is extremely dangerous to the longevity of the environment that you thrived in and indeed for the country as a whole.
More later. They're passing the bong around at the Food Stamp orgy.
"I apologize to the American people." HHS Secretary Sebelious in her opening statement to Congress. Showing integrity by admitting wrongness knowing she would be penalized for it, immediately and publicly.
I believe the Secretary. Furthermore, I believe that it took great discipline to listen and respond respectfully, almost without exception, under the force of determined discourtesy.
This comforts you, possibly?
This comforts you, possibly? The idea and the practice of demeaning and reducing someone who responds to your statement negatively is a dead-end, as I am sure you have already realized.
Apparently you have progressed further through the education system, and thrived to a certain extent, possibly as a public employee bureaucrat. Congratulations.
Voting republican, and supporting the sort of environment current republicans are exhibiting, however, is extremely dangerous to the longevity of the environment that you thrived in and indeed for the country as a whole.
More later. They're passing the bong around at the Food Stamp orgy.
"I apologize to the American people." HHS Secretary Sebelious in her opening statement to Congress. Showing integrity by admitting wrongness knowing she would be penalized for it, immediately and publicly.
No transparency, no integrity, no competence from our executive and legislative branches as evidenced by HHS hearing #cspanchat
"Hold me responsible, Congresswoman. I am responsible."
Secretary Sebelius to Congresswoman today.
Integrity as defined by the OED:
Syllabification: (in·teg·ri·ty)
Pronunciation: /inˈtegritē/
integrity in other Oxford dictionaries
Definition of integrity in the British & World English dictionaryI believe the Secretary. Furthermore, I believe that it took great discipline to listen and respond respectfully, almost without exception, under the force of determined discourtesy.
This comforts you, possibly?
Friday, October 25, 2013
God Dammit, LACMA!
God Dammit, LACMA!
It took a hell of a lot to get me there to the museum gates on Wednesday.
When your monkey in a cheap suit turned me away.
"Closed. Private function."
Fuck you for turning me away from the County Art Museum for some rich cats
private function.
Fuck him, too.
God Dammit, LACMA!
It took a hell of a lot to get me there to the museum gates on Wednesday.
When your monkey in a cheap suit turned me away.
"Closed. Private function."
Fuck you for turning me away from the County Art Museum for some rich cats
private function.
Fuck him, too.
God Dammit, LACMA!
Monday, October 14, 2013
"Where's your health insurance now, Moses?"
"Where's your health insurance now, Moses?"
Chuck Lorre writes:
Chuck Lorre writes:
"Perhaps I've read too much science fiction, but I can't help thinking that the way out of this protracted battle over universal health care is a good ol' Edgar Allan Poe/Michael Crichton-style plague. Who's going to bicker over access to medical care or insurance deductibles if one wet cough from a busboy kills all the rack o' lamb-eating small government advocates in the restaurant? Who's going to fight against pre-existing condition coverage when it becomes frighteningly clear that we are all, rich and poor, smart and stupid, cute and inbred, swimming in the exact same bacterial soup? I'm betting no one. Because when that day happens, helping a sick person get well will not be an act of mercy or generosity. It will be the very definition of selfishness. And if history has taught us anything, selfishness rocks the casbah. Of course, there is plenty of sci-fi literature that takes this story down an even darker path. It involves everyone with a wet cough getting rounded up at gunpoint and trucked into "rehabilitation camps" in North Dakota. A privileged young man, raised on rack o' lamb, sees their suffering and sacrifices himself in order to lead them to a free clinic in Canada. When things are looking particularly grim in their march out of viral bondage, a small government advocate smiles cruelly and says to the young man, "Where's your health insurance now, Moses?"
"Where's your health insurance now, Moses?"
Monday, October 7, 2013
Ron Darling, Major League Death
Ron Darling, Major League Death
Is there any way to tell which games TBS and the TV crew that called tonight's game, will return?
I know Vinny has spoiled me, but Ripken is stiff as hell, and Darling is a goddamn cyborg ape.
Tonight he was repeatedly denouncing any player from expressing frustration, ever.
Ronald Belasario had a crappy couple of batters, got pulled and reacted by throwing his glove in frustration. Darling went on a nonsense harangue articulating his non-understanding and intolerance for these actions.
What is he, Spock?
Ron Darling, Major League Death
Is there any way to tell which games TBS and the TV crew that called tonight's game, will return?
I know Vinny has spoiled me, but Ripken is stiff as hell, and Darling is a goddamn cyborg ape.
Tonight he was repeatedly denouncing any player from expressing frustration, ever.
Ronald Belasario had a crappy couple of batters, got pulled and reacted by throwing his glove in frustration. Darling went on a nonsense harangue articulating his non-understanding and intolerance for these actions.
What is he, Spock?
Ron Darling, Major League Death
Friday, October 4, 2013
Film Review -- Gravity, Alfonso Cuaron, Dir.
Film Review -- Gravity, Alfonso Cuaron, Dir.
Douglas Douglas
Film Review -- Gravity, Alfonso Cuaron, Dir.
Gravity (Warner Bros. 2013 Sandra Bullock, George Clooney)
I used to hate so many more things. Now that I have seen this film, I have one less despicable item on my list. I no longer hate film directors named Cuaron. I used to think it ostentatious to leave off the accent mark if you have one in your name, but now I just do it, too.
And don't get me started on movies in general, 'cause I don't really want to get into all that. I just want to tell you about some of the madman stuff that this guy Cuaron pulls off when he tells this story about a couple of astronauts, or something, when they get into trouble about a million miles up above the Earth.
Actually I don't even want to do that. This film is so good, I don't even want to take the risk of dropping it down in your estimation with my words, 'cause I don't always choose mine so well. So, see the film. 3D. As close as possible. Then get back here and post.
Douglas Douglas
Film Review -- Gravity, Alfonso Cuaron, Dir.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Exile Frank and Jamie McCourt
Exile Frank and Jamie McCourt
Jamie McCourt loses in her attempt to get more money from The Dodgers sale. $133M is way too low, in her judgement.
Well, in my judgement, she has lost all her earthly privileges.
I call for a task force to establish policies by which to assess the financial web of both Jamie and Frank McCourt, and to withold further involvement in any business or organization that will accept their participation. I think these two are guilty of being as uncool as Glen Close and whatsisname from Dangerous Liaisons and that they should suffer the same fate. Let's exile these facefuckers!
Who is with me?
How much money did they piss away?
Exile Frank and Jamie McCourt
Jamie McCourt loses in her attempt to get more money from The Dodgers sale. $133M is way too low, in her judgement.
Well, in my judgement, she has lost all her earthly privileges.
I call for a task force to establish policies by which to assess the financial web of both Jamie and Frank McCourt, and to withold further involvement in any business or organization that will accept their participation. I think these two are guilty of being as uncool as Glen Close and whatsisname from Dangerous Liaisons and that they should suffer the same fate. Let's exile these facefuckers!
Who is with me?
How much money did they piss away?
Exile Frank and Jamie McCourt
Frank McCourt,
Jamie McCourt,
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Letter to the president -- notes
Letter to the president
"...It is okay to tell your mother she is doing something wrong, you can do it in a story, you can do it in a song....
...and sometimes when grownups get mad they try to start a war. It's okay to tell your president that war is never right."
I promised Ruth I would send some of the words. She asked on her radio show, "Halfway Down The Stairs," for her audience to send this song to the president.
That she wished that he had a quiet spot in The White House in which to think. That he might listen and think of not sending pain and death in to Syria.
They have plenty of that already.
I think the song title is "It's OK To Tell Your Mother." The song has verses with examples of when and how to tell the power figure that their behavior isn't right.
The NY Times had an interesting OpEd piece on Thursday, by Alex de Waal and Bridget Conley. In it, they succinctly cite history and its dearth of examples of interventional successes. especially in the absence of administrative structure and a determined and persistent ground presence.
de Waal, et al, cite Belgrade 1999, Iraq 1991, Rwanda 1994, and more, featuring Sir William Harcourt, who in 1862 had to talk down a ravenous, blood-thirsty British public, clammoring for intervention in our civil war, then ongoing.
Excerpts: "...intervention never has bee, never will be, never can be short, simple or peaceable."
"...and act of desperation with incalculable consequences."
and, "We are asked to go we know not whither, in order to do we know not what."
Letter to the president
"...It is okay to tell your mother she is doing something wrong, you can do it in a story, you can do it in a song....
...and sometimes when grownups get mad they try to start a war. It's okay to tell your president that war is never right."
I promised Ruth I would send some of the words. She asked on her radio show, "Halfway Down The Stairs," for her audience to send this song to the president.
That she wished that he had a quiet spot in The White House in which to think. That he might listen and think of not sending pain and death in to Syria.
They have plenty of that already.
I think the song title is "It's OK To Tell Your Mother." The song has verses with examples of when and how to tell the power figure that their behavior isn't right.
The NY Times had an interesting OpEd piece on Thursday, by Alex de Waal and Bridget Conley. In it, they succinctly cite history and its dearth of examples of interventional successes. especially in the absence of administrative structure and a determined and persistent ground presence.
de Waal, et al, cite Belgrade 1999, Iraq 1991, Rwanda 1994, and more, featuring Sir William Harcourt, who in 1862 had to talk down a ravenous, blood-thirsty British public, clammoring for intervention in our civil war, then ongoing.
Excerpts: "...intervention never has bee, never will be, never can be short, simple or peaceable."
"...and act of desperation with incalculable consequences."
and, "We are asked to go we know not whither, in order to do we know not what."
Letter to the president
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Kucinich: The argument against war in Syria
Kucinich: The argument against war in Syria
A message from former Congressman Dennis Kucinich ..
Eleven years ago I warned America we were about to get into a war based on lies. I led 125 members of Congress to oppose the Iraq War resolution. When I raised questions then, some of our leading Senators, such as John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and John Edwards voted yes. The media was squarely behind the war. I was attacked for questioning the cause of war. Everything I said in October of 2002 as to why we should not go to war turned out to be 100% true. Many of those who were 100% wrong have continued in Congress or gone on to greater influence in government. And America? America lost 4,488 sons and daughters, with 32,021 wounded at a cost which is approaching $6 Trillion dollars.
Today we are poised to engage in war against Syria with such a flimsy case being made to attempt to justify an attack, it could only be the product of cynicism and willful misrepresentation in the cause of war and a callous disregard for our true national interest.
FACT: There is no definitive proof that Syria's Assad knew of and directed the chemical weapons attack on August 21st..
FACT: Intelligence which overheard Syrian military officials discussing the attack far from implicating them, finds them DENYING they initiated an attack.
FACT: There are at least two instances where the opposition is said to have used chemical weapons. One incident, which occurred in March was referred to the Security Council by Russia. Another, which occurred in April was cited by special UN investigator Carla Del Ponte.
FACT: Some rockets identified near attack sites were described as "homemade".
FACT: A coordinated effort was made by US officials to DISCOURAGE a full UN investigation.
FACT: The biggest beneficiary of the attack on the Syrian government is Al Queda, which leads the opposition,
FACT: Syria is not an imminent threat to the United States.
FACT: Absent an imminent or actual threat to the United States, only Congress has the authority, under the Constitution, Article I, Section 8, to declare war.
Whatever we believe about Syria, as Americans, let us all believe in our Constitution, in the rule of law, and in the bedrock of principles which inform our rights and responsibilities as a nation. We have a right to defend ourselves, but no right to war aggressive war. Our obligation as citizens is not to be a member of the Democratic, Republican or an independent party, but to be a party to the truth.
I am concerned, that once again, in the name of humanity, an inhumane act of war is about to be committed against the people of a distant land, compounding their tragedy; in the name of security, a barbaric attack will be launched which will make us all less secure; and in the name of the United States, in our name, the destructive power of war will be unleashed based on the hubris of exceptionalism which left untamed, will destroy our own nation.
I will discuss what must be done in our next communication. Thank you, Dennis
Eleven years ago I warned America we were about to get into a war based on lies. I led 125 members of Congress to oppose the Iraq War resolution. When I raised questions then, some of our leading Senators, such as John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and John Edwards voted yes. The media was squarely behind the war. I was attacked for questioning the cause of war. Everything I said in October of 2002 as to why we should not go to war turned out to be 100% true. Many of those who were 100% wrong have continued in Congress or gone on to greater influence in government. And America? America lost 4,488 sons and daughters, with 32,021 wounded at a cost which is approaching $6 Trillion dollars.
Today we are poised to engage in war against Syria with such a flimsy case being made to attempt to justify an attack, it could only be the product of cynicism and willful misrepresentation in the cause of war and a callous disregard for our true national interest.
FACT: There is no definitive proof that Syria's Assad knew of and directed the chemical weapons attack on August 21st..
FACT: Intelligence which overheard Syrian military officials discussing the attack far from implicating them, finds them DENYING they initiated an attack.
FACT: There are at least two instances where the opposition is said to have used chemical weapons. One incident, which occurred in March was referred to the Security Council by Russia. Another, which occurred in April was cited by special UN investigator Carla Del Ponte.
FACT: Some rockets identified near attack sites were described as "homemade".
FACT: A coordinated effort was made by US officials to DISCOURAGE a full UN investigation.
FACT: The biggest beneficiary of the attack on the Syrian government is Al Queda, which leads the opposition,
FACT: Syria is not an imminent threat to the United States.
FACT: Absent an imminent or actual threat to the United States, only Congress has the authority, under the Constitution, Article I, Section 8, to declare war.
Whatever we believe about Syria, as Americans, let us all believe in our Constitution, in the rule of law, and in the bedrock of principles which inform our rights and responsibilities as a nation. We have a right to defend ourselves, but no right to war aggressive war. Our obligation as citizens is not to be a member of the Democratic, Republican or an independent party, but to be a party to the truth.
I am concerned, that once again, in the name of humanity, an inhumane act of war is about to be committed against the people of a distant land, compounding their tragedy; in the name of security, a barbaric attack will be launched which will make us all less secure; and in the name of the United States, in our name, the destructive power of war will be unleashed based on the hubris of exceptionalism which left untamed, will destroy our own nation.
I will discuss what must be done in our next communication. Thank you, Dennis
Kucinich: The argument against war in Syria
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Watch out for gay behavior. Call the cops if you see any.
Watch out for gay behavior. Call the cops if you see any.
From TheAdvocate.Com:
"Increase your vigilance when you talk to your neighbors, when you are checking your mail and in elevators," the notice says, according to a translation. "You can easily become a target of homosexual propaganda. There is one step from being homosexual and to start propaganda of homosexualism and molesting decent people."
August 29, 2013
Moscow, Russia
Soon to your backdoor
No pun intended
Watch out for gay behavior. Call the cops if you see any.
Russia needs gays
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Gardena News "Burning Man to Humanity - Welcome Home"
Shelled out a quarter for this week's GARDENA VALLEY NEWS and got my playa on without even tryin':
Burning Man to Humanity - "Welcome Home"
Burning Man to Humanity - "Welcome Home"
Thursday evening the Sun enters the disciplined Virgo, sign of gestating new states of consciousness. And always in time for Burning Man (Monday, the 26 to Sept. 2), the radical arts community/temporary metropolis, in the playas of Nevada's Black Rock Desert. Burning Man, with its ethos (spirit) of freedom and culture organically begun in 1986 in San Francisco, is a field of survival (it's 107 degrees) amidst creation -- together building the new world. It's irrational, primal, celbratory -- procession of humanity, days and nights of gritty dust under the Sun and stars, indiviually in communion. It's build, burn, dismantle -- leave no trace. It is a shared community with rules, laws, ordinances, precepts and Principles.
Here are the 10 Principles. they could define each of us, were we courageous enough to live by them. Burning Man is an experiment -- someday reality for everyone. The Ten Principles -- 1) Inclusion; 2) Gift giving (unconditional); 3) No commercialization; 4) Relying on inner resources; 5) Self-expression; 6) Communal effort, community values, creative cooperation/collaboration; 7) Civic responsibility for public welfare, respecting laws; 8) Respect of environment, leaving theh environment in a better state; 9) Participation, Open heart -- Beingness through doing-ness. Everyone working, playing, makes the world real through actions that open the heart; 10) Immediacy -- relating to the moment, to those around us, contact with the natural world, no barriers.
Burning Man is a n ongoing work of performance art.
Burning Man to humanity -- "Welcome Home".
(reprinted from Gardena Valley News
Esoteric Astrology
p. 10
who knew?http://gardenavalleynews.org/
Burning Man to Humanity - "Welcome Home"
Burning Man,
Gardena Valley News,
performance art
Re Miley Cyrus MTV VMA Performance plus Onion
Re Miley Cyrus MTV VMA Performance plus Onion
Miley Cyrus danced on stage, took off her clothes and displayed strong sexual behavior. Miley started out as a little girl in a Disney show and she has grown out of that role.
Now get back to work.
Oh yeah. Some links, including The Onions response
Re Miley Cyrus MTV VMA Performance plus Onion
DD 20130827
Miley Cyrus danced on stage, took off her clothes and displayed strong sexual behavior. Miley started out as a little girl in a Disney show and she has grown out of that role.
It has been suggested that this is not newsworthy.
I agree that a random dance from a marginal celebrity is probably not a significant event given the flow of poison water from Fukijapa, war in Syria, drugs other people use, limited garbage service and animal abuse.
But, I also disagree that it is insignificant.
Conversation is our main, individual tool to connect with our neighbors, friends and community, and reinforce with cultural cement the world we pass on to the next guardians. Events like this that focus our national attention are extremely transient and need to be seized for the rarities that they are. Like the shrink said:
"It's not the thing. It's how you FEEL about it."
Focusing on Miley's dance gives us a national starting point to discuss many issues, not limited to sex, hero worship, a spectator/consumer society, and the nature and value of art. Turns out a lot of us have strong feelings about this. If we can listen without judging to the thoughts and touchy-feely expressions that sometimes agree, sometimes conflict with our own, we might learn something about the world outside of our comfort zone.
For what are we here for, anyway? Just to echo and resonate with experiences that mirror our own? Or to be exposed to many, varied expressions and from them to filter, extract, and yes, judge what we choose to include in our own tight little worlds.
For what are we here for, anyway? Just to echo and resonate with experiences that mirror our own? Or to be exposed to many, varied expressions and from them to filter, extract, and yes, judge what we choose to include in our own tight little worlds.
This event -- as distasteful or boring as you may find it -- is a touchstone for sexual morality in this country. The people who object strongly to MCs performance and to MTV for airing it are the same people who are dragging their feet and refusing to adapt to changing conditions in the 21st century. Aaron Sorkin described them recently in The Newsroom as "the small minority that doesn't like sex."
He goes on to wonder why the 99% of us who do like sex (probably more like 99.999%) have to cowtow to the tiny group that is offended not only by sexual ideas that conflict with their own, but any acknowledgement of sex whatsoever.
Personally, I am offended by Brooke Shields, Mika the converted Russian chick on MSNBC, and anyone who would fit Miley for an extended mental reprogramming treatment based on this display of youthful rebellion and sexuality. Kid music (and most of art) is devoted to sex, anyway. If a video show DEDICATED AND FOUNDED in a culture of youthful sexual rebellion isn't the place to air this, please show me what is.
But we already know the answer to this one, right."Nowhere. No time. Off of my and my kids radar. Away from me."
Well as one who struggles with 21st century morality let me suggest to the naysayers that the best way to make Miley go away is not to go on TV and tell everyone how bad and sick you think she is. Just turn off the damn set, put down your oar, and stop rowing the freaking boat.
Now get back to work.
Oh yeah. Some links, including The Onions response
Re Miley Cyrus MTV VMA Performance plus Onion
DD 20130827
Monday, August 26, 2013
Miley Cyrus at VMAs
Miley Cyrus at VMAs
Way more shocking than Miley's dance is the knee-jerk response of on screen talent like Mika Brezinski of MSNBC. Highlights are noted in the attached Mediaite link, and include sad and typical reactions like Elvis used to get sixty years ago.
Ms. B shares with us her views and they are typical of the time. A growing group of Americans are dealing with the new century and all the changes and adaptations that are required to be in it with fear, and cringing and nostalgia. Nothing could be more damaging or hopeless. It is beyond deck-chair arranging. It is more John Travolta flying 100 of his clique from LA to Florida when over Dallas, the plane suddenly runs out of fuel. Instead of checking the guages and finding a place to set down, Travolta begins praying to L Ron Hubbard and calling his attorney to sue the plane manufacturers.
Actually, Miley looked kinda hot...
But I guess the point here is one about sex, sexy behavior and the right to object to it should not be basis for mental illness diagnoses and incarceration. The loose talk about Miley is just that and should be stapled to the foreheads of those who are pushing it and saying it about this little non-issue.
Here's an idea. If you don't like the show, don't watch it, Mika.
Miley Cyrus at VMAs
Monday, August 12, 2013
Working 24/7
Working 24/7
I like to fish for my students' enthusiasm by asking what they want. After the initial "No school," Lamborghini, and pile of money fantasy statements, they will occasionally respond to the "Why?" follow up.
Why? What then? And all the subsequent follow ups that I address to myself always end up with fun being the ulitmate goal.
I am always surprised when others don't mirror the same response, and feel deeply that it is just lazy thinking. What COULD be more important than wild, reckless enjoyment of life and living? I truly think it is our highest purpose. But it takes work and planning. 24/7, roughly.
The "why" at the end of security is fun. Same for money, and ditto for ethical behavior. If you're a dick, you have less fun.
So, when I advocate working hard, I am talking about sprinting, not jogging. Crank 24 hours per week, 7 months out of the year, and you will have lots of fun for the time remaining, and energy, too.
DD out
Working 24/7
I like to fish for my students' enthusiasm by asking what they want. After the initial "No school," Lamborghini, and pile of money fantasy statements, they will occasionally respond to the "Why?" follow up.
Why? What then? And all the subsequent follow ups that I address to myself always end up with fun being the ulitmate goal.
I am always surprised when others don't mirror the same response, and feel deeply that it is just lazy thinking. What COULD be more important than wild, reckless enjoyment of life and living? I truly think it is our highest purpose. But it takes work and planning. 24/7, roughly.
The "why" at the end of security is fun. Same for money, and ditto for ethical behavior. If you're a dick, you have less fun.
So, when I advocate working hard, I am talking about sprinting, not jogging. Crank 24 hours per week, 7 months out of the year, and you will have lots of fun for the time remaining, and energy, too.
DD out
Working 24/7
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Hawthorne, CA Walmart protest 8/9/13 - 11 am
Hawthorne, CA Walmart protest 8/9/13 - 11 am
Feel free to join in, or honk support. We will be broadcasting live on Blog Talk Radio show, Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas. Archived on Blogger at Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas, too.
Right next to the Del Taco in between Marine and Rosecrans on Inglewood Boulevard in beautiful Hawthorne, California. This town is growing, adapting, and dealing with 21st century economic realities and we don't need Walmart at all! Every single thing they sell here is available at a competing local business which is suffering under the competitive weight of gargantuan Walmart's unwanted presence.
Feel free, too, to let your elected representatives know what you think about your community and Walmart's history of killing local businesses. Links below may help some.
Archived on Blogger at Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas, too.
Namaste, people! And get back to work!
DD out
Elected representatives for this area include, but are not limited to:
Congressional Representatives:
Maxine Waters
Henry Waxman
Governor Jerry Brown
Senator Diane Feinstein
Senator Barbara Boxer
President Barak Obama
Project Vote Smart for your neighborhood.
Also linked at Commander Nineteen at Blogger.
Hawthorne, CA Walmart protest 8/9/13 - 11 am
Feel free to join in, or honk support. We will be broadcasting live on Blog Talk Radio show, Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas. Archived on Blogger at Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas, too.
Right next to the Del Taco in between Marine and Rosecrans on Inglewood Boulevard in beautiful Hawthorne, California. This town is growing, adapting, and dealing with 21st century economic realities and we don't need Walmart at all! Every single thing they sell here is available at a competing local business which is suffering under the competitive weight of gargantuan Walmart's unwanted presence.
Feel free, too, to let your elected representatives know what you think about your community and Walmart's history of killing local businesses. Links below may help some.
Archived on Blogger at Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas, too.
Namaste, people! And get back to work!
DD out
Elected representatives for this area include, but are not limited to:
Congressional Representatives:
Maxine Waters
Henry Waxman
Governor Jerry Brown
Senator Diane Feinstein
Senator Barbara Boxer
President Barak Obama
Project Vote Smart for your neighborhood.
Douglas John Douglas
23 hours ago via Skype
Planning my upcoming Walmart Protest. Any thoughts?
- Christian Castanedo likes this.
- Douglas John Douglas A new Walmart opened up close to my home in Hawthorne and I am going to do something to demonstrate how pissed I am about that.
- Douglas John Douglas Maybe I will do live broadcast of my Friday morning radio show from the Walmart parking lot! http://www.latimes.com/business/money/la-fi-mo-workers-protest-working-conditions-walmart-warehouse-20130724,0,7131028.story
Thirty workers walked off the job Wednesday at the warehouse of a luggage suppli...See More - Cheryl Williamson Isn't it "funny" that companies can put up cameras to spy on their own workers and even fire them because they talk to each other... I wonder, How much do the camera's cost?? versus cleaning out air ducts, putting in better ventilation, have good drinking water, just an overall Healthier work place.... Walmart is a big Lie!! When it first got here in America, they were suppose to sell only American made products, Can't find anything American made there... So think about all of those Pesticides, Germicides, and every other chemical's that may have or should have been sprayed on to these products. Not to mention, truck and forklift fumes...These companies know you are poor and can't hire Lawyers They do NOT want people to band together, People have forgotten how hard it was and how hard it was for the unions to fight for better working conditions.... It looks like Walmart is dragging it all backwards.
- Douglas John Douglas Yes, CW, I think the union angle is my godson's point of attack. I am more concerned with it being shortsighted from a consumer point of view. Walmart saves us a few bucks, and we can purchase many things in one location, but it undercuts all the competition, which are our friends and neighbors from our community. Then they charge whatever they like. I want the Walmart clients to consider that saving a few dollars may not be serving their best interests.
- Douglas John Douglas Also important to both of us, is the "injustice factor." The reality that our money from the Walmart registers is going into the already vast, almost incalculable wealth of the top ten heirs to Sam Walton. So far, I am unimpressed with their money management skills. I think a little more "Bill Gates Style" philanthropy might keep the picket sign out of my hands.
- Douglas John Douglas Anyway, this Friday, from 11:00 am to noon, the two of us will be on the sidewalks the Walmart clients will drive past on their way to park. Hopefully we can spur on some thought and some conversation. Wish us luck!
Also linked at Commander Nineteen at Blogger.
Hawthorne, CA Walmart protest 8/9/13 - 11 am
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