Shelled out a quarter for this week's GARDENA VALLEY NEWS and got my playa on without even tryin':
Burning Man to Humanity - "Welcome Home"
Burning Man to Humanity - "Welcome Home"
Thursday evening the Sun enters the disciplined Virgo, sign of gestating new states of consciousness. And always in time for Burning Man (Monday, the 26 to Sept. 2), the radical arts community/temporary metropolis, in the playas of Nevada's Black Rock Desert. Burning Man, with its ethos (spirit) of freedom and culture organically begun in 1986 in San Francisco, is a field of survival (it's 107 degrees) amidst creation -- together building the new world. It's irrational, primal, celbratory -- procession of humanity, days and nights of gritty dust under the Sun and stars, indiviually in communion. It's build, burn, dismantle -- leave no trace. It is a shared community with rules, laws, ordinances, precepts and Principles.
Here are the 10 Principles. they could define each of us, were we courageous enough to live by them. Burning Man is an experiment -- someday reality for everyone. The Ten Principles -- 1) Inclusion; 2) Gift giving (unconditional); 3) No commercialization; 4) Relying on inner resources; 5) Self-expression; 6) Communal effort, community values, creative cooperation/collaboration; 7) Civic responsibility for public welfare, respecting laws; 8) Respect of environment, leaving theh environment in a better state; 9) Participation, Open heart -- Beingness through doing-ness. Everyone working, playing, makes the world real through actions that open the heart; 10) Immediacy -- relating to the moment, to those around us, contact with the natural world, no barriers.
Burning Man is a n ongoing work of performance art.
Burning Man to humanity -- "Welcome Home".
(reprinted from Gardena Valley News
Esoteric Astrology
p. 10
who knew?
Burning Man to Humanity - "Welcome Home"
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