Wednesday, June 26, 2013



"Our attachment to non-change is what causes our suffering."

Gael Chiarella
Yoga Meditation Collection

Random notes:

"...or pain that your body has held. Notice places of discomfort or pain that your emotions have held. Nothing is too large. Nothing is too small."

As we come into conscious relationship with pain, we see a divided path. One says: 'Let me eliminate you, and move as far away as I can."

And the other, says 'What are you sharing with me?' 'What do you have to say?'

For pain is always a suggestion for change. And the change itself may be painful. Our attachment to non-change is what causes our suffering.

In yoga we see a vision of two birds sitting on a golden limb. One is the observer. The other the observed. The observer sits in perfect peace. The other runs back and forth attached to this and that.

We know open ourselves to an acknowledgement of the observer part of each and every psyche. Of each and every thought. And as you bring your awareness...

Well it goes on and on from there. This is a small part of a meditation track I just heard and wanted to share.


Oh by the way, she sells this stuff. You can get it from the library, too.


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