Thursday, January 28, 2010

Noam Chomsky on mainstream media control, Howard Zinn and the Viet Nam war protest:
Chomsky: "Well, it was a breakthrough. The people of Viet Nam had a country that was for all intents and purposes, destroyed. Howard really broke through. He was the first to say loudly:'We have to get out. Totally.' It sank in pretty quickly and it affected and changed people's perspectives. He was willing to be out on the front line. He changed the consciousness of a whole generation. The phrase of his that always stays in my mind: ' ..reverence for the countless small actions that unrepresented people do in order for any large event to transpire.'

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yeah, I forgot the glossies: A great article/essay from Amanda Ripley, Please Remain Standing: Alert passengers averted disaster on Flight 253. So let's stop acting like helpless victims (Time magazine, 1/11/2010, p. 31).
    Ms. Ripley has a book out: "Unthinkable: Who survives when disaster strikes, and why." She seems to have a real sense of balance to her. Pointing out but not mocking the histrionics surrounding terrorist events and bringing us into the center of the center where it occured. I have read a couple of her articles and scanned the book but not yet read.

    REuse, REduce, REcycle, REevaluate, RE-educate:
    Thursday's Long Beach Press Telegram has an advertising supplement entitled "Civic Leadership" and covered with an uptight, full-color zoom in of the Statue of Liberty torch. As well as touting the efforts of the city of Compton, it touts the "fact" that our underwater resoivoirs are being recharged through "soft-bottom river channels." Good to know. I thought all of our rain just ran out into the ocean. Doesn't it really?
