Friday, July 19, 2013

Revising Revisionist Science

Revising Revisionist Science

Now, I am loath to join the ranks of those who claim that science is wont to accurately say what's what because we haven't been around long enough. Like, "how is 6 billion accurate for the formation of the universe? Who was there to confirm?"


This study says that warming in the ocean is unprecedented since the birth of the planet. They use a web of ultra sophisticated, floats that slowly dive to 600m, measure and record the ambient water temp, and then rise to the surface. My question is this: What the hell are they comparing it to? The last time someone used a web of ultra sophisticated, floats that slowly dive to 600m, measure and record the ambient water temp, and then rise to the surface?

I'm just sayin'...

DD out

Revising Revisionist Science

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