Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ser Maestro / To Be A Teacher

Ser Maestro

Angel Nieto Romero

Ser maestro es ser padre, hermano, amigo, compañero
confidente, enfermero, constante consejero.

Ser maestro es:
    Amar, apreciar, dar exemplo respetar.
    Perseverar, tener paciencia (y perderla), perdonar.
    Aconsejar, empujar, dar amistad, escuchar.
    Explicar, aplicar, no dejarse derrotar, apreciar.

Tener caridad y compasión, firmeza y determinación,
alegría y pasión, mucha pasión y amor a esa locura
que implica la creación.

Ser maestro is:
    Repetir, corregir, dar orgullo, exigir.
    Estimular, animar, ser humilde, admirar.
    Comprender, reprender, ser atrevido, imponer.
    Imaginar, moldear, tener ganas, realizar.
    Insistir, sufrir, tener humor, requerir.

Hacer reglas y romperlas, no confiar en lo obvio
descartar lo comodo escapar de la rutina.
Contestar y preguntar, siempre preguntar.
No hacer caso al que diran.

Dormir poco y sonar mucho, sonar dormido, despierto sonar, siempre sonar y
lo imposible buscar.
Aprender, compartir, ensenar, y aprender una vez mas.
Descubrir, formar, lograr y luego volver a empezar.

To Be A Teacher

Angel Nieto Romero

To be a teacher means to be a parent, a friend, a companion, a confidant,
a nurse, a constant counselor.

To be a teacher means:
    To love, to cherish, to set an example to respect.
    To push, to have patience (and to lose it), to forgive.
    To advise, to persevere, to befriend, to listen.
    To explain, to apply, to not give up, to appreciate.

To have charity and compassion, strength and determination, joyfullness and passion,
passion and love for that madness which implies creation.

To be a teacher means:
    To repeat, to correct, to instill pride, to require.
    To stimulate, to encourage, to be humble, to reprimand.
    To fulfill, to impose, to laugh, to admire.
    To imagine, to mold, to care, to demand.

To make rules and to break them,
to mistrust the obvious
to reject the comfortable
to escape routine.
To answer and to ask,
always to ask.
Not paying attention to what people might say.

To sleep a little and dream a lot,
to dream asleep, and dream awake,
always to dream and
reach for the impossible.
To learn, to share, to teach
and to learn again.
To discover, to shape, to achieve
and then to start all over again.


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